Subtitle: | |
Author: | Various |
Editor: | |
Binding: | Hardback |
Purchase Date: | |
Purchase Price: |
Publisher: | Dark Horse Books |
Edition: | |
Copyright Year: | |
Publication Year: | 2012 |
ISBN#: | 978-1-59582-914-6 |
LCCN#: | |
Pages: | 96 |
Translator: | |
Language: | en |
Genre: | |
Keywords: | Comics & Graphic Novels; Fiction; Media Tie-In; Science Fiction; Space Opera |
Series: | |
Series Number: | |
Condition: |
The ragtag crew of Serenity—mercenaries, fugitives, and one law-abiding prostitute—pursue fast cash and a little peace along the fringes of space. On a scavenger mission that promises a big payoff, they realize too late that they are being played by an old enemy with a grudge.
Written by series creator Joss Whedon and show writer Brett Matthews, this new edition features the extras previously only available in the limited deluxe edition!