Subtitle: | |
Author: | K. A. Applegate |
Editor: | |
Binding: | Paperback |
Purchase Date: | |
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Publisher: | Scholastic |
Edition: | |
Copyright Year: | |
Publication Year: | 2000 |
ISBN#: | 0-439-11521-3 |
LCCN#: | |
Pages: | 141 |
Translator: | |
Language: | en |
Genre: | |
Keywords: | Action & Adventure; Fantasy & Magic; Juvenile Fiction |
Series: | |
Series Number: | |
Condition: |
Signed: | |
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An all-out war is about to begin. Should the Animorphs come forward and warn the government? And what about the Andalite fleet that is supposedly on the way? While the Animorphs debate what to do, a more pressing crisis appears -- the Yeerks have captured and are about to infest a member of the free Hork-Bajir colony.