Subtitle: | |
Author: | K. A. Applegate |
Editor: | |
Binding: | Paperback |
Purchase Date: | |
Purchase Price: |
Publisher: | Scholastic |
Edition: | |
Copyright Year: | |
Publication Year: | 1999 |
ISBN#: | 0-590-76259-1 |
LCCN#: | |
Pages: | 145 |
Translator: | |
Language: | en |
Genre: | |
Keywords: | Action & Adventure; Fantasy & Magic; Juvenile Fiction |
Series: | |
Series Number: | |
Condition: |
Signed: | |
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The Ellimist has helped the Animorphs many times. He is all-powerful and has only one enemy, the Crayak. In a cosmic showdown, the two enemies choose champions to represent them in a battle to end all battles. The Crayak chooses the dreaded Howlers. The Ellimist chooses the Animorphs.